SIMA, Inc. Support

SIMAnet customers (this includes all SIMA Camelot Online users)— You are entitled to free, unlimited technical support via email or telephone (703-569-1270) during the entire period of your agreement.
During the limited-warranty period. If you are a licensed user of a SIMA software product installed on a PC or office network, you are entitled to free, unlimited telephone technical support during the limited-warranty period (i.e., for 90 days after purchase). Please phone (703-569-1270) or email SIMA Technical Support to obtain support.After the 90-day limited warranty period, your options for telephone technical support (described more fully below) are: An annual service and maintenance agreement, or Support on a per-incident basis.
If the problem is such that on-site technical support is required or desired, we can visit your office at a mutually convenient time and date for a one-day charge plus reimbursement of direct travel costs if you are located out of the local area. Please call 703-569-0993 for a cost estimate and to arrange such a visit.
Service & maintenance agreement. We strongly recommend that users of licensed SIMA software purchase an annual service and maintenance agreement so that they can be assured of continued support and program updates for the software. Customers typically order a service contract when they order their SIMA software, but they may order a service contract at any later time.The service contract entitles the purchaser to repair or replacement of malfunctioning software; delivery of all program updates released during the one-year contract period (specifically, periodic updates to an existing program are provided at no charge but there would be an additional charge to upgrade to a new version of that program); and up to 10 full hours of telephone technical support during SIMA's regular business hours (9:00 AM until 8:00 PM Eastern time, Monday-Friday).
Contracts have a 12-month term and are renewable annually. A contract covers library applications such as Catalog, Serials, Circulation and ILL within a software package, and each application has a separate price. For example, a SIMA Camelot Integrated Library System customer with both the Catalog and Serials applications activated should have both applications covered under the service contract. Please call 703-569-0993 for current pricing or to order a service contract.
Per-incident technical support. Customers of licensed SIMA software may call SIMA Technical Support at 703-569-1270 for help on a per-incident basis. The head librarian or other authorized person must first agree to pay our invoice for: A fixed charge for up to 30 minutes of telephone technical support; and An hourly-rate charge, billed in quarter-hour increments, for all additional time required. Please call 703-569-0993 for current pricing.Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at