Professional Library Consulting

Make your library even more cost-effective and productive: get professional help in any aspect of developing, organizing and maintaining a library. Examples of SIMA consulting services include budgeting, cataloging, collection development and maintenance, database conversions and library relocations.
Support services
SIMA's high-quality, affordable technical and general-support services can help you run your library ... on a one-time or a continuing basis, as frequently as desired. Examples include--
•Filing (loose leafs, newsletters, other periodicals, legislative materials, tax materials, microfiche, etc.)
•Book processing and shelving
•Bibliographic shelf reading
•Temporary library staffing (e.g., mail check-in).
Online union lists
Library associations in metropolitan areas can benefit from SIMA Web-based union lists that make it easy for participating libraries to locate titles for interlibrary loans. Learn more.
For more information on any of the above - including client references - please call 703-569-0993 or send an email at